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Dejan Milivojević követ-tanácsos

Aleksandar Farkaš - követ-tanácsos

Svetlana Stanković - konzul, I.o. tanácsos

Ivana Kunc - I.o. tanácsos

Marko Potić - II o. titkár

Marija Večer - III.o. titkár

Predrag Zeljković alezredes - véderő-attasé


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Photo Gallery
National Day and Armed Forces Day of Serbia, 17th February, 2020
Head of General Staff visits the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Budapest, 7th November 2019.
Head of General Staff visits the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Budapest, 7th November 2019.
Commemorative gathering on the occasion of 20th anniversary of NATO bombing against Yugoslavia, 26th March 2019.
National Day and Armed Forces Day of Serbia in its Embassy in Budapest, 18th February, 2019
Ambassador Todorov Presented His Credentials to President János Áder, 17th December, 2018