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Djuric confers with Szijjártó: Friendly relations between Serbia and Hungary reaffirmed - 17 May 2024

Minister of Foreign Affairs Marko Djuric paid an official visit to Hungary today, during which he met with the head of Hungarian diplomacy Péter Szijjártó.
On his first bilateral visit, Minister Djuric said that he was pleased that this visit to Budapest was another demonstration of friendly relations between Serbia and Hungary, which in the past few years were guided by the vision of President Vucic and Prime Minister Orbán, experiencing a historical transformation to the benefit and satisfaction of the entire Serbian and Hungarian peoples.
“We are sincerely looking forward to the fact that Hungary will take over the presidency of the Council of the European Union, because we know not only that we, as Serbia and as a region, will have a reliable friend at the top of the European Union, but also because the European Union will be managed by political structures that will look at the European interest in a responsible way”, the Serbian Foreign Minister pointed out.
Speaking about the proposed Resolution on Srebrenica, Djuric assessed this as an opening of old wounds by irresponsible political circles in the region, which had caused numerous tensions and dissatisfaction.
“Such irresponsible policy did not take into account the needs for the future of our peoples, but rather the narrow political interests of those who try to manipulate the victims”, Minister Djuric said.
When it comes to Kosovo and Metohija, Minister Djuric pointed out that Serbia strived for stable and normal relations and to finding solutions based on compromise, but at the moment, instead of interlocutors who would help solve inter-ethnic problems, in Pristina, unfortunately, there were interlocutors who day in day out, failed to respect agreements, while creating new tensions.
The head of Serbian diplomacy said that Serbia highly valued the support of Hungary, including when it comes to Pristina's attempt to gain membership of the Council of Europe, disregarding the standards prescribed by the European Union.
Djuric pointed out that the level of rights enjoyed by the Serbian community on the territory of Hungary was a model for exercising the rights of minorities in the territory of the entire European Union.
"We consider the Hungarians in Serbia to be our brothers, who facilitate the strengthening of our state, the strengthening of our ties, as an unbreakable and strong bridge between our cultures, and we are proud of our friendship", Djuric concluded.
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary Péter Szijjártó emphasized that he highly appreciated the fact that the first official visit after the appointment of the head of Serbian diplomacy was paid to Budapest, which as such was proof of numerous results jointly achieved in the past few years at the level of the two countries.
"In today's highly tense international situation, friendship and mutual respect are extremely important. There is a war in one of our neighbouring countries, in another there was an assassination attempt against the prime minister who pursued a policy of peace and sovereignty, in the third irregular migrants are very aggressive", Szijjártó said and added that the alliance between Serbia and Hungary was of inestimable importance for Hungary.
Speaking about the mutual trust and cooperation between the two countries, Szijjártó particularly pointed out that, of all Hungary’s neighbouring countries, Serbia was the country where the rights of the Hungarian community were respected the most, as well as that a significant segment of Hungary's energy supply was in the hands of Serbia.
Furthermore, Minister Szijjártó added that in the coming period, the plan was to build an oil pipeline to connect the two countries, then build a new border crossing, and that additional efforts would be made to complete the reconstruction of the Belgrade-Budapest railway by the end of next year.
"Hungary is preparing to preside over the European Union, we wish to bring Serbia closer to membership during that presidency and for everything to more intensive than ever before", Szijjártó emphasized and stated that he considered it unacceptable and humiliating that the European Union had kept Serbia in uncertainty for 15 years.
He pointed out that Hungary would vote against in the United Nations General Assembly when it comes to the adoption of the proposed Resolution on Srebrenica, assessing that this was an attempt to demonize the entire Serbian nation.
"We will also vote against if someone raises the issue of membership of the so-called Kosovo in the Council of Europe", Szijjártó concluded.


Address by the President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić at the UNSC session on UNMIK - 22 April 2024

"Dear President of the Security Council, 
Esteemed members of the Security Council, 
Dear Special Representative of the Secretary-General, 
Allow me, before I move to the Report we are speaking about today, to remind you that on 19 April was exactly 11 years since the most important Agreement between Belgrade and Pristina on the path of normalization of relations was adopted in Brussels. One of the signatories was also the EU. Eleven years later, even though Serbs met all the difficult obligations from the mentioned Agreement, the Community of Serb-Majority Municipalities and its formation are not even on the horizon. For all the Serbs living in K&M, for the entire Serbia, these 11 years have been 11 years of undelivered promises, daily excuses and untruths; 11 years of accidental or intentional inability of the EU- as the guarantor of the respective Agreement, to move things from square one. Of course, all that resulted in what we can call today the legal violence and physical harassment of Serbian population in Kosovo and Metohija. 
First and foremost, I extend my gratitude to Secretary-General Guterres and Special Representative Ziadeh, for their dedication to fulfilling the UNMIK mandate as outlined in UN Security Council Resolution 1244. Therefore, while the subject report may not fully capture the severity of the situation on the ground, it factually documents nearly all significant events during the reporting period, and this holds considerable value for member states. To gain a more comprehensive understanding of this report, I wish to highlight certain critical points for the esteemed members of this body to consider.
The Report on UNMIK’S work that is before us today, is being discussed month and a half since this distinguished body held the special session on situation in Kosovo and Metohija on 8 February. Let me remind you that this urgent session was held upon submission by the Republic of Serbia that the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in Kosovo and Metohija, led by the Albanian leadership, are jeopardizing international peace and stability.
To that submission, the Republic of Serbia also enclosed the detailed explanation of actions by which the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government lead by Kosovo-Metohija Albanians continuously and intentionally created the unbearable living conditions for Serbs and other non-Albanians. Additionally, the Republic of Serbia presented to the Security Council all the actions by which those institutions carry out well-planned, widespread and systematic harassment against Serb civilians, including continuous legal violence, physical violence and selective targeting.
Urgent Security Council session on 8 February was held thanks to the fact that all members of the Security Council evaluated that our arguments in the submitted complaint had been based on facts and in accordance with that, they approved our request. I specially emphasize that the majority, which accepted our argumentation, consisted here of the countries that do not respect sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia in a way envisaged by the Provisions of the legally binding UN SC Resolution 1244. Thereby, it is much more important that such a structure of the SC member states respected our arguments and took into consideration on this important session the ethnically motivated, intentional creation of unbearable living conditions for Serbs, as well as the campaign of well-planned, widespread and systematic harassment against Serb civilians, and their persecution by the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in K&M.
I will remind you that almost all members of this distinguished body expressed profound concern for the position of Serbs and other non-Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija, and had urged for the Dialogue. During those discussions, special emphasis was placed on the acute measure of abolishing cash transactions in dinars, whereby Pristina ‘s regime dramatically and additionally made daily life of Serbs and other non-Albanians difficult, given that they predominantly receive their income in dinars. This issue was discussed in the context of denying them access to even basic social services such as healthcare, education, etc.
However, said measure to abolish the use of dinar—representing the culmination of prolonged, comprehensive and ethnically motivated campaign of widespread and systematic attacks against non-Albanian civilians by Pristina’s institutions—is still effective. If you remember Albin Kurti was speaking here in front all of you that he was giving to Serbs the three-month transitional period in which no Serb rights would be abused regarding giving and accepting dinars as a currency. Of course, since the moment session ended no one in Pristina or in the international community has ever mentioned three-month transitional periods, and all the measures against Serbs related to dinar started being implemented immediately. That is why Serbs and other non-Albanian population in Kosovo-Metohija remains unable to get their pensions, salaries, social giving, child allowances and all other payments, and why the work of schools, kindergartens, medical, social and all other institutions is practically disrupted. Employees of these institutions, those that are still operating, face daily fears from groundless apprehensions, which Kurti’s regime is carrying out on a mass scale, under false charges. This situation profoundly affects children in kindergartens, pensioners, single mothers and severely ill persons in rural environments, but also everyone else. This issue stands out as one of the few where Pristina authorities demonstrate lack of discrimination, affecting everyone equally, regardless of their age or gender, as long as they are non-Albanians and do not endorse their chauvinistic agenda aimed at realizing the Greater Albanian concept.  
And yet instead of being sanctioned, Kurti’s regime keeps being rewarded.
I would like to take this opportunity to inform all member states, who have sincerely and with good intentions called for dialogue, that from February 8, 2024, to the present day, five rounds of discussion have been held in Brussels, based on UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and General Assembly Resolution 64/298 (2010). The only tangible outcome of these deliberations has been the exposure of Pristina’s true motives. Pristina’s head negotiator, Bislimi, Albin Kurti's deputy and his partner in the persecution of the civilian population, confirmed that their unilateral and escalatory decision to effectively abolish the dinar in Kosovo-Metohija has profoundly affected the people. Unlike Kurti’s assertions, made before this esteemed body that Serbia’s accusation was false and that no one, including Serbs, was impacted by their decision, Bislimi’s sincerity acknowledged the actual intentions to eradicate all Serbian presence in Kosovo-Metohija. Therefore, he, like Kurti, remained committed to Greater Albanian hegemonic aspirations, which preclude any negotiations with Serbia and coexistence with Serbs. His conduct in the dialogue process, characterized by a strategy of "sabotage through presence", underscored his reluctance to pursue a compromise solution, as had been advocated by this esteemed body, to safeguard the population.
And yet instead of being sanctioned, Kurti’s regime keeps being rewarded. 
Ladies and gentlemen, 
In parallel, Pristina’s brutal repression in persecuting Serbs and other non-Albanian, has been additionally deepened and strengthened. SINCE THE URGENT SESSION ON 8 FEBRUARY, 16 NEW ETHNICALLY MOTIVATED ATACKS AGAINST SERBS TOOK PLACE. They involve:
1. Armed attack against Serb young men in Gračanica,
2. Gun firing and intimidation of ever smaller number of Serb returnees in the west of K&M,
3. Continuing Unjustified Detentions,
4. Police violent removal of the plates with names of the places in Serbian language, in Cyrillic alphabet in purely Serb municipalities in the north of K&M. Continuous attacks within the campaign of Serb persecution broadened after 8 February to intrusions of Pristina’s parapolice forces into Serbian pharmacies in Kosovska Mitrovica and Zubin Potok, where the persecutors of Serbs confiscated huge amounts of medications.
On the other hand, while the UNMIK Report maintains factual precision, it lacks in capturing the interconnected events over an extended period of time. These events, when analyzed together, paint a stark picture of the ground reality. This limitation in reporting stems not only from the length of the reporting period but also from the methodology employed, which has remained consistently superficial and brief. Therefore, it is my obligation, esteemed representatives of the member states, to offer further insight into the reported events, enabling you to grasp the overall situation more comprehensively.
THE UN SC EMERGENCY SESSION IS NOT PRESENTED IN THE REPORT AS AN EVENT OF SPECAIL RELEVANCE. The respective session was mentioned only in Item 22. And even there it has been wrongly put that it had been held at Serbia’s request „to discuss the consequences of the new currency regulation“.
This claim is factually incorrect, because Serbian quest for emergency session, adopted by the UN SC, had been based on complaint supported by arguments for endangering international peace and security by Pristina. Illegal abolishment of dinar was reported and took into consideration in that context only as a part of complaint against PISG in Pristina for: 1) Systematic, widespread and well-planned attacks against Serbs by PISG in Pristina, 2) Intentional creation of unbearable living conditions for Serbs and 3) Persecution of Serbs.
The dramatic complaint on persecution of Serbs, which the SC took into consideration at the emergency session, was BLANDLY AND PROSAICALLY PRESENTED in the Report IN THE FOLLOWING WAY: „Mr. Vučić and Mr. Kurti participated in the session, presenting contrasting narratives regarding the situation in Kosovo and the regulation’s impact”.
In that regard, I believe that it is important to remind that SERBIA WAS NOT PRESENTING JUST SOME “NARRATIVE” AT THE RESPECTIVE SESSION. Quite the opposite, MY ADRESS WAS THE MERE NUMBERING OF CONCRETE DATA AND FACTS on the campaign of systematic, well-planned and widespread Pristina’s attack against Serb population.
On that occasion, I mentioned, among other things, concrete data on the following:
- The illegal expropriation of more than one million square meters of Serbian land for construction of illegal basis of special police in the north of K&M,
- Disabling freedom of movement for Serbs by meaningless stoppings, humiliating treatment, beatings, and even other acts of violence at illegal armed checkpoints and at other places throughout the north of Kosovo and Metohija,
- Arbitrary apprehensions of dozens of eminent Serbs, as well as unfounded long custody based only on their ethnicity- and without raising charges,
- Meaningless shooting by Pristina’s special forces and almost constant presence of armored vehicles in peaceful urban environments,
- Making decisions on confiscating buildings owned by Serbian institutions, which have been owning them for more than a century,
- Introduction of the 9-month illegal embargo on Serbian goods and seizures of legal goods owned by Serbian merchants,
- Violent confiscation of the property of the Serbian Orthodox Church, whereby Pristina violates special protective zones around the Serbian Orthodox Church facilities, while renaming Serbian sacral facilities, which are several centuries old, to Albanian ones,
- Ploughing and destruction of Serbian cemeteries,
- Arming illegal so-called KSF, which in accordance with Paragraph 9.b, Paragraph 15 and Article 6, Annex 1 of the UN SC Resolution 1244 should be demilitarized and dismantled,
- Disabling payment of 60.946 salaries and pensions to Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, 2.430 scholarships for students and pupils, funds for financing soup kitchens for about 2.000 socially most vulnerable citizens, as well as all other incomes for Serbs,
- 470 unsanctioned ethnically motivated attacks against Serbs
- 75 attacks against sacral facilities of the Serbian Orthodox Church,
- 25 attacks against Serbian children, including attempt of murder of the 11-years old Serb child by the representative of the illegal KSF on Christmas 2023. 
And yet instead of being sanctioned, Kurti’s regime keeps being rewarded.
Commemoration on the on the occasion of March 17, 2004 – Pogrom in Kosovo and Metohija – 17 March 2024

President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, atended the marking of March 17, 2004 - Pogrom in Kosovo and Metohija. 
"When we gather on occasions like this, it is more like an obligation. We almost never agreed on what we should do in the future", said the president. When twenty years have passed since the crime, and without justice for the victims and punishment for the criminals, the question arises - what do we have left after all? What should we say to ourselves, to the world, and above all to the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, who experienced a pogrom on March 17, 2004, when ten of them were killed, almost 1,000 were injured, 4,000 were permanently evicted from their homes, while 900 of their houses were destroyed, and 35 churches and monasteries were damaged and destroyed. I'm not sure there are the right words for them, or at least I don't know them", said President Vučić, pointing out that there is something that no one can take away from them or us, and that is the right to the truth.  
"And as much as in today's world the truth is presented as something worn out, abused and worthless, I still believe that it is the light without which we would live in eternal darkness. It is necessary for us and we must not be silent even when they convince us that we do not know what we're talking about. And that's not spite, it's a refusal to live without light and to be forgotten", he said. He reminded of Schopenhauer's thoughts that the truth goes through three stages and that we are now in the second - the violent rejection of it.
"The principle of the inviolability of state borders was violated in Ukraine, but not in Serbia? The attack of 19 countries without the consent of the UN Security Council is not a violation of rights? The whole world jumps to defend Ukraine, they also mention the Third World War, and when Serbia is robbed of part of its territory, then nothing. And when we say all that, when we demand the same for Serbia, they attack us for being violent, for arming ourselves and for being an eternal threat. In a world without principles, the only rampart is the truth. It cannot be jumped over, and that's why they run away from it and don't want to accept it. We live in a world of violent seizure of the truth. Twenty years after the pogrom, we neither attacked nor threatened anyone, and we often remained silent. This does not mean that we will retreat, we will continue to tell the truth. The truth is that the pogrom only happens three years after the "democratic changes". Then terrible crimes occur, in the middle of the story standards before status. Allegedly, status is unknown. And the standards are that when they come out with a false story about three Albanian boys, who were allegedly driven to death by Serbs, and what they repeat today in Pristina, then there is a rapid transition from standard to status", President Vučić said. He added that what happened on March 17, 2004 was well organized and coordinated.  
"It was not the anger and rage of wonderful people who saw injustice. No, everything was well prepared and organized, so that they would get Ahtisaari's plan, the Vienna negotiations, and full independence," said President Vučić.
The president said that from 2008-2012, also in 2013 we lost a lot, because more than half of the world recognized the independence of Kosovo.
"We did not inherit a position in which we are the same, but a position in which Kosovo was already independent for most of the world. And no matter how painful the Brussels Agreement was, it gave us several years for accelerated progress and development, to show that we are a reliable partner. Nothing from the Brussels Agreement, which was Albania's obligation, was not fulfilled, because they did not even want to. It will soon be 12 years since the Brussels Agreement, but the Ohrid Agreement is mentioned, which we did not sign. They will not even discuss the CSM (Community of Serbian Municipalities), but our partners from the West will never say a word against them. This is their baby, which they rock in the cradle and which they will forever protect. What should we do when we see that neither their word nor their signature is worth anything - not Albanians, theirs was never even valid, but those who conducted themselves as honest negotiators," said President Vučić. Speaking about what we can do today, President Vučić pointed out that we expect to be told that something was imposed on us, not agreed upon.
"Say it is your will, not Serbia´s will and the Serbian people. You can carry out whatever actions and threats you want, but we will never accept the results of the pogrom from 2004, nor the independence of Kosovo, which will always be part of sovereign and independent Serbia. There are people who worry about the future and you cannot defeat them with threats. We love freedom more than anything and we will never let it be taken from us. I want to bow down with you all to the shadows of our heroes who fell guarding their homes and hearths, and I tell them that they did not fall in vain. We will know how to protect everything they did for their homeland. Long live Serbia, long live Kosovo and Metohija and our people!".


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